Step 33 - Termite Prevention

The Buggies

Termites, Oh No!

Termites are a huge concern for all home owners. There is a lot you should know and watch out for.

Things We Learned Along The Way

Why the Soil Level Should Never Touch the Wood Portion of Your Home


Termites- Big Problem, Easy Fix!

Termites are a big problem to most house owners. Termites, also called white ants, can cause problems because they eat wood. Termites weaken the wood as they eat it. Thus, a wooden house is prone to damages with termites around. In fact, termites are responsible for residential property damages worth millions of dollars.

Termites Love Soil

Soil generally is rich in moisture, which termites love. In fact, termites need moisture to keep them from drying. They will die once they dry out. If you observe termites, you will notice that they keep themselves away from open air for long periods of time.

Unfortunately, you cannot avoid having the soil or ground getting damp because moisture is a natural element in any environment. Rain and water beneath the ground as well as changes in the temperature can create moisture. While you cannot avoid having ground and soil getting damp and moist, you can ensure that damp surfaces like ground or soil never touch the wooden part of your house because such surfaces attract termites. On the other hand, there are some places where you will not find termites. While the termites love moisture, they cannot withstand extreme cold weather so it is unlikely to find termites in cold regions.

Termites Live in Soil

Termites, even the ones that are of dry-wood type, live beneath the ground. This is the main reason why the wood portion of your house should never touch the soil. The termites build their nests under the ground. Sometimes, they build mounds for habitat. With the termites living below the ground surface, it will be much easier for them to get to your house. They can easily surface above the ground and penetrate to wooden surfaces.

Woods Are Gorgeous

If you really hate termites, wood is not an ideal material for you house. However, you cannot deny the fact that wood has an appealing value and gives warmth to any room. One solution is to keep the wooden part of your house away from soil. The termites burrow through soil and having a part of your home, especially the one that is vulnerable to termites in contact with soil is a big problem. If you are using wood for your house, it is ideal to have it at least six inches away from the soil. Aside from soil, you should also watch out for trees, shrubs and other woody items. They can be a way for termites to come into your house. If for some reason you cannot avoid having a wooden part of your house exposed to soil, do not hesitate to spend extra money for termite-resistant woods. You may also use anti-termite treatments.

If you are too late in preventing termites from attacking the wooden part of your house, there are still ways to treat and remove them. There are companies that offer termite inspection and treatments. Once the termites are removed, make sure that you take some precautions and have the wooden part of your house away from soil. You should also treat woods with anti-termite solutions if you are in termite-prone zones. You will surely have fewer termites-related problems in the future.


The Land






Framing Phase

Rough-in Phase

Drywall Phase

Interior Carpentry

Flat-work Phase

Paint & Stain

Finishing Phase
